Monday 9 March 2015

Go Where You Want To Go – My Thoughts on Travelling

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Having travelled to many countries and continents around the world, I think it is safe for me to say, I am a globe trekker. And so far, the journey has been amazing, to say the least.

No amount of words can do justice to the beautiful places I have been to, the wonderful people I have met, and the incredible experiences I have had. I have enjoyed, learnt, and grown so much through these travels that I decided to take my family along for many of them. Suffice to say, they feel the same way.

So why am I talking about travelling? The reason is simple – I would love for you to experience what I have experienced! Believe me friends, I can write a book about my adventures and it won’t do you any good. You have to see and experience it to believe it.

While I have met many people who share my love for travelling, I have also met people who are not of the same mindset. When I have spoken about this to people, many have simply shrugged their shoulders and ask, “So what’s the point?” This statement is the main reason behind my post today. So here are…

Reasons Why You Should Travel the World

The points below are just a few things that I have realized through my various travels:

  • The Simplest Reason: It’s Fun: You can never understand the joy that comes from travelling until you actually do it. Sure, you may have to plan things in advance, ensure that you have the necessary supplies, cash, documents, etc. But it’s all part of the process, and it adds to the enjoyment. Knowing that you are fully prepared can allow you to stand back and take on anything whatever’s coming your way. And let me ask you frankly, isn’t not knowing part of the fun?

  • Food, Food, Food: Yes, this word is a major reason for me to pack my bag. And I’m not joking. You can actually learn so much about a country and its culture by simply tasting the local delicacies. I particularly enjoyed India’s local dishes. They have certainly opened my eyes to the country, its people, their food culture (it’s huge), and their core beliefs.

  • You Get Reintroduced to Yourself: Too many times, especially when we have accomplished all our goals, we start thinking, “This is it. I don’t need to do or know anything else.” But when you travel, you realize that there is so much you can, and need to learn about yourself. Whether you are lazing by a pool or ocean, trekking through a jungle, or taking in all the sights and sounds of a city, every new experience can help you learn a little more about yourself.

  • It makes you Open Minded: Let me put this very simply – travelling can help you expand your horizons and beliefs. I have met some amazing people through my travels, and have had the opportunity to go out of my comfort zone and help a stranger. When you see the way these so called ‘strangers’ treat you and others, you realize there is so much more to life than you know.

  • It’s a New Challenge: Sometimes I wish I was a polyglot (that’s the ability to speak multiple languages). Certainly my travels would have been a lot easier. It can be a challenge when you’re in a foreign country, and you can’t find the way to the hotel or some place because the locals can’t speak your language. While it may seem like a nightmare at the time, when you’re back home, it can be a hilarious story to tell your friends. Also, it becomes a wonderful memory.

I have tried to condense my thoughts for this post. If you enjoyed this one, maybe I can write a ‘part deux’ for you. For now, I would like to suggest, if you have an opportunity to take a trip to new city or land, close your eyes and accept. I can promise you, you will not regret it.

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