Tuesday 3 March 2015

5 Reasons Why Tennis is an Amazing Sport

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If there is one sport that I find really exhilarating, it is tennis. While this is one of the major sports played here in New Zealand, it is certainly one that captured my imagination instantly. There is something about it that makes it an exhilarating sport to play. It calls for the player to play hard, play fast, but play intelligently. There are various reasons that will make you want to pick up a racket and get onto the courts.

What I Love about Tennis?

After pharmaceuticals, this is one subject that I could talk about for hours on end. But obviously, I would not want to bore you, my fellow bloggers. So here are five things that I love about tennis.

  • It’s a One-on-One Game: With the exception of playing doubles, the wonderful thing about tennis is that it has a one-on-one, almost gladiatorial feel. Two men or women face off against each other on the courts with no teammates, and try to ensure that the opponent cannot return the serve. This setting creates a huge amount of adrenaline, which adds to your playing experience.

  • Tactics Talk: This is not a hit-and-score kind of game. You have to be extremely tactical in your movements and strikes to ensure that you get the point. The great thing is, you have to make these decisions in a split second. If you don’t, you could lose a point and maybe even the match. You also have to observe your opponent’s game and figure out his moves, so that you will be in a position to return the serves effectively. The style in which you play is also important. You need to create a certain amount of finesse in your playing if you really want to get good at the game.

  • Excitement is the Key: Speed is one of the biggest factors that gets people to watch or play this sport. For me, playing a hard, fast game creates immense tension and excitement. Imagine, first you have to be prepared for the serve. Then you have to figure where the ball will land. You will have to time your return, so that the ball will land across the net at the right speed, and on the spot that you want. And all these decisions have to be made in seconds once the ball is served. Need I say more?

  • No Guarantees of Winning: When you are on the court, it can be any player’s game. Even if a player starts off slow, maybe losing the first set, there is no guarantee that the game is in the bag. Your opponent can make a strong comeback in the remaining sets, and create a tie-break situation, or even win the match. So this means, you always have to be on your toes when playing the game.

  • It is a Complete Package: Tennis provides an all-round experience. The fitness factor is obvious – you increase your stamina as well as your strength, due to the racquet and serves. You become more agile, as you have to react quickly to your opponent’s return of serves. You also become more imaginative in your thinking; constantly figuring out solutions so that you can have that extra point.

These five points are just a few of my thoughts on the game. Having written this post, I now cannot wait to get back on the court tomorrow.

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